2017 Quality Enhancement Plan Celebration of 成功


2017 Quality Enhancement Plan Celebration of 成功 data-lightbox='featured'
左图:Dr. Julie Estis, QEP Director; Dr. 罗恩·斯蒂伦, 2017年QEP教育家 of Distinction recipient; Dr. Kimberly Smith, 2017 QEP 教育学证书 recipient; Dr. Tracy O'Connor, 2017 QEP 教育学证书 recipient; Provost David Johnson

Each year, the 十大彩票网投平台's Quality Enhancement Plan holds a breakfast celebrating faculty members who have shown a commitment to utilizing Team-Based Learning (TBL) in their courses, and awards are presented to faculty members who have excelled 他们对TBL的奉献. Congratulations to all of our 2017 QEP award recipients! 

QEP杰出教育家 award is intended to distinguish those QEP faculty members who exhibit an exceptional conviction for the instruction and success of their students and colleagues. 这些 award recipients express a commendable enthusiasm for the implementation of TBL as well as its impact on the quality of education it provides. 此外,它们还能激励 both students and faculty members inside and out of the classroom. 毫无疑问, they demonstrate an admirable passion for the improvement of learning and collaboration 在十大彩票网投平台和其他地方. 今年的获奖者是Dr. 罗恩 斯蒂伦.

Dr. 罗恩·斯蒂伦
Dr. 罗恩·斯蒂伦, Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership and Teacher Education and Educational Leadership Program Coordinator, has shown exemplary commitment and enthusiasm in educating students and guiding faculty through the process of implementing 基于团队的学习方法. 她的同事Suzanne Bihan说:“Dr. 斯蒂伦建立了 an effective trajectory of pedagogy and education to build substantive contributions to enhance and improve effective teaching modalities" and that his "interests lie 在学生的成功和他们的成果."

教育学证书 have completed a minimum of five QEP Professional 发展会议, have submitted no less than three application activities, and have submitted a peer-reviewed manuscript, professional conference presentation, or grant proposal. 今年的获奖者是 教育学证书有: 

特雷西·奥康纳,OTD, OTR/L

获得 专业发展研究员 award have shown initiative for implementing TBL by attending multiple QEP Professional 发展会议. 今年的专业发展研究员是:

伊丽莎白·艾利森博士.D.  布里奇特·摩尔,DNP
苏珊娜·比汉,注册会计师,MSN 特雷西·奥康纳,OTD, OTR/L
艾伦·布罗奇,艾德.D.点击率数据,       迈克奥多姆
菲利普·卡尔博士.D. 凯伦·彼得森
Steven Clontz博士.D. 贝蒂娜·莱利博士.D.
莎莉·克兰福德博士.D. 西尔维娅·罗杰斯博士.D.
山姆·费希尔博士.D. 金伯利·史密斯博士.D.
斯蒂芬妮·杰特博士.D. 詹妮弗·斯蒂伦博士.D.
Kyre Lahtinen博士.D. Candra Taylor, MS, OTR/L
德鲁·刘易斯博士.D. 米切尔·沃尔林博士.D.
金伯利·利特菲尔德博士.D. 爱丽丝·扬斯,DNP










被授予 教育学者 award have submitted a peer-reviewed manuscript, professional conference presentation, or grant proposal on their work with Team-Based Learning. 今年的教育学奖 学者:

伊丽莎白·艾利森博士.D. 德尔瓦·侯赛因博士.D.     Benterah Morton博士.D.
詹妮弗·安德森,MSN     T.J. Hundley, M.D. 特雷西·奥康纳,OTD, OTR/L
哈利·巴拉德,M.D. Pam Johnson, DNP,注册会计师 安吉拉·兰德,MS
劳伦·布兰南博士.D. 金伯利·乔丹,MSN,注册护士    艾利森·路德,埃德.D., msn, rn
凯利·伯德,MAT 卓娅·汗博士.D. 金伯利·史密斯博士.D.
菲利普·卡尔博士.D. 德鲁·刘易斯博士.D. 辛迪·斯坦菲尔德博士.D.
拉杰·乔杜里博士.D. 科琳·林奇,MSN,注册护士,CNL       詹妮弗·斯蒂伦博士.D.
Steven Clontz博士.D. 塞西莉亚·马丁,马萨诸塞州 罗恩·斯蒂伦,艾德.D.
杰里米·弗莱彻,DPT, OCS, CSCS        苏·马特森博士.D.   黛布拉·斯旺齐,注册会计师
珊瑚·古布勒博士.D., pt, atc 布里奇特·摩尔,DNP 特蕾莎·赖特,注册会计师


被授予 教师发展讲者 award have facilitated or co-facilitated at least one professional development session. 今年的获奖人包括:


教师学习社区促进者 awards are presented to those faculty members who have taken charge in leading a cohort of faculty who are currently using TBL in their courses or who are considering TBL. 教师学习 communities are formed based on common disciplines and interests, with an overarching focus on exploring effective implementation of TBL. 教师学习 Communities Facilitators are designated to set meeting times and locations and lead communication among 教师学习 社区 participants. 今年的获奖人 是:

